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Animations - book-02
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Monday, January 19, 2009

19 January 2009 - Post # 2

Hi again!

Well my new stats are:

1. Completed proofing 34 (of my target 30) Beginner and Newcomer pages. I guess it's time to move onto the Easy pages.

2. My ranking is now 7830 (up 761 places!). Since I've done those number of pages in 19 days there is only one person who has done that number faster - and who has done it in three days. Again I hope they are a returning proofer with previous experience.

3. Completing my first book - I have now done 34 pages or 11% of my first book.

During the "Newcomers Only" books we get automated feedback from a project manager/mentor. This is little different than a full-blown mentors response. It's still nice, though, in the early stages and I always thank the responder. I'm still pleased with how pleasant and positive is the feedback - even thanking me for thanking them.

Nothing much new on the health front. I try to keep my mind off my discomfort. It's mostly difficult, though, in the evening when I'm tired. I find my voice is most slurred then and my swallowing more difficult. I've been slacking off on my speech therapy exercises, so I must get more fastidious.

I've also been watching the circus relating to Mr. Obama's inauguration tomorrow. There seems to be a lot of hype: and much positive anticipation. I'm glad he won the election, but I wonder if he can fulfill the expectation - not just for the U.S. but of everyone in the world.

It seems to me that so much is pending his taking control with the belief that he will fix things (and fix them right away!) The war in Gaza, the Korea's, Guantanamo Bay, Gas pipelines in the Ukraine, Russian and Chinese isolation, Iraq, Afghanistan, NAFTA and of course, the world financial crisis: I just can't help but think that there is disappointment coming. I truly believe Mr. Obama is good for the world, I just hope he is given some slack.

This got me thinking about party leadership in the United States. I was thinking, that perhaps in some ways the Republicans are glad they are NOT in power at this time. The US is in a mess, the world is in a mess - who would WANT to be responsible for trying to fix these things.

This further got me wondering. Could Mr. Obama's election have actually been orchestrated by the Republican Party sabotaging their own election campaign. What better way to secure their power than letting someone else try to fix the unfixable: problems they caused in the first place. Then, when not all is going rosy after four years (or sooner if things truly fall apart and an impeachment is called), they can show up as the White Knights. They probably won't make things much better, but they would seem better after watching the current President sinking in the quagmire.

Are the conservatives capable of this subterfuge? I'm convinced they are. Big business (who frankly are behind the conservatives) become and stay big business because they are smart and can often predict the future. After the debacle of G.W. Bush, they MUST have known their chances were dismal at best. The low approval rating was spread amongst the party as a whole - witness now the new balance of power in the two Houses.

This actually explains some things. I originally couldn't understand the selection of Mr. McCain - an honorable but frankly too old and out of touch politician: he was bound to lose, but at least people respected him so he wouldn't pull the party's reputation down even lower.

Sarah Palin truly flabbergasted me. How could a party that smart select her as Vice President? Now it's clear. McCain was doing okay in the polls - perhaps he may even win. Then the Republicans would have to deal with Bush problems themselves: a task at which they knew they would fail. So, enter Ms Palin. She would surly lose the moderates(necessary for a win) while at the same time appeal to the already converted. Lose the election and no real harm done.

I have great hopes for Mr. Obama. I hope he can help straighten the world. I hope he is given a real chance. I fear, however, that people with short term vision - which includes most people I believe- will rebel when all is not fixed in the first 100 days: an impossible task.

Sadly, it's all so clear now.

Well, all for now.


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