What's This About

Animations - book-02
Having some time on my hands, I wanted to help make books available to everyone in the world. The Gutenberg Project prepares public domain books for download and reading as an e-book. These books are available free by anyone with internet access and can be forwarded on CD & DVD. There are currently over 14,000 free e-books that have been converted to an e-book format.

The process begins with someone scanning a public domain book and then running it through an OCR program. This is only the beginning!

Before a book can be put into the Gutenberg library it must be proofed several times and then properly formatted. All this work is done by volunteers.

I've begun my association with the Gutenberg Project as a "newbie" proof-reader with the "Distributive Proofreader" team. I've received great and friendly feedback from mentors and have quickly become acquainted with the extensive guidelines available to help with this task.

To learn more and find out how to become a volunteer yourself check out both the Gutenberg Project and the Distributive Proofreader sites by clicking the Gutenberg Project Links on the right.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

29 January 2009 - Post # 4

Hello, once again.

I am now officially a "Proofreader," as opposed to a newbie. At proofed page 50, it appears you are given this new designation. I checked the forums and the Wiki to find out more, but to no avail. So, I checked other's stats and it seemed when someone moves from their 49th page to 50, they automatically become a "Proofer." It's a little less dramatic than I had hoped, but its still a nice moniker.

On with the stats:

1. As can be seen from the above, I'm now over 50 pages - 78 to be exact. I'm still working on the Easy pages, and still missing the odd thing (but mostly the weird ones - I think) so I will continue to do the easyt until 100 as I previously set.

2. My rank now is 5648 and have achieved that in 29 days (up 1226 levels!). The next fastest to 78 pages is at 123 days. I have set myself to do several pages each day and so far I have done that.

3. Completing my first book - I'm now at 26% of my first book.

I'm no longer receiving direct feedback about my proofing. I check the next level proofer's "diffs" to see what I missed (or what was corrected of mine) to see how I'm doing. So far, I think I'm doing okay. I still miss a small number of tiny things - like extra spaces between punctuation- but only rarely. Usually, the things I miss now are when something unusual occurs and the guide is unclear or it is described in an obscure place. One case had to do with an error I found from a previous proofer and I wasn't sure how to correct it. In this case I got it half right.

Nevertheless, I often email the next level proofer to ask questions and make observations and so far I have always received comprehensive and courtious responses. It's nice to be treated professionally - especially as we are all volunteers.

I'm doing fine. I have tried to increase my activity level by doing more workouts to increase my stamina- the Wii Fit is grand. Although, it is taking a little weight off. I really can't afford to lose more weight. While my BMI is in the normal range, it's in the low normal. I still don't like eating, especially the high caloric stuff I'm told to eat (or rather drink, since I still have no functioning saliva glands) and I think the sugar is giving me tongue cankers. I should increase my food intake, but it just feels like work or exercise: I take no enjoyment from it.

I guess I'll have to look for palatable alternatives if I want to gain some of my weight back. Sigh!

Otherwise, I guess things are going okay. With the snow we are getting, I have to go outside more often to snow-blow the driveway. Even though I have a tractor, I'm still pretty worn out by the time I'm finished.

Well, all for now. Take care.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

23 January 2009 - Post #3

Hello again.

More stats:

1. Completed proofing 47 pages- so far they are still EASY pages. I've checked to see how many EASY pages I should do before I move on, but to no avail. So, here's my arbitrary progression: given that people are to do a minimum of 300 pages before graduating to P2. I will do 100 pages total in EASY (which includes BEGIN ONLY, NEWCOMERS ONLY and EASY).

2. My ranking is now 6874 up 956 places! Wow, seems it doesn't take many pages to progress quickly. In fact, so far I am the fasted person to do 47 pages - 22 days! That's only about 2 pages per day. (right now I'm doing 4 a day)

3. Completing my first book - 16% of my first book.

I'm still receiving feedback from some of the Newcomers only pages and remain impressed with the pleasant and helpful comments. I always reply, and they usually reply back. I think many of these mentors are concerned whether or not the recipient is happy or peeved with the responses. To those people who are peeved, I think they need to chill. It's best to try and put yourself in their place: they are spending extra time to try and make us all better at what we do. Hopefully, people don't take it too personally. I understand no one wants to be told they did something wrong, it's a function of the project we've taken on. Practice makes perfect and mentored practice makes perfect more quickly.

On the personal side, I'm still doing okay. I don't feel like I'm improving, but then I live with myself minute by minute - so any improvement would be insidious. I do know though, that when I'm proofing (and blogging) I tend to forget my discomfort.

I had my eyes checked yesterday: it's been about three years. They only changed a little - but new glasses anyway. This time I think I will forgo those "no-line" bifocals. The ones I have now require me to turn my head to keep things is focus (vice just moving my eyes). Since my neck mobility is lacking, I need to use my eyes to see left and right rather than my neck.

I noticed that Mr Obama gave a speech that was both optimistic but tempered for expectations. I hope people give him the latitude to fix what he can. Of course politicians, particularly when in opposition, can be vicious. I believe he can help the world. Hopefully, we can show we deserve it.

Well, all for now.

Take care and CU.

Monday, January 19, 2009

19 January 2009 - Post # 2

Hi again!

Well my new stats are:

1. Completed proofing 34 (of my target 30) Beginner and Newcomer pages. I guess it's time to move onto the Easy pages.

2. My ranking is now 7830 (up 761 places!). Since I've done those number of pages in 19 days there is only one person who has done that number faster - and who has done it in three days. Again I hope they are a returning proofer with previous experience.

3. Completing my first book - I have now done 34 pages or 11% of my first book.

During the "Newcomers Only" books we get automated feedback from a project manager/mentor. This is little different than a full-blown mentors response. It's still nice, though, in the early stages and I always thank the responder. I'm still pleased with how pleasant and positive is the feedback - even thanking me for thanking them.

Nothing much new on the health front. I try to keep my mind off my discomfort. It's mostly difficult, though, in the evening when I'm tired. I find my voice is most slurred then and my swallowing more difficult. I've been slacking off on my speech therapy exercises, so I must get more fastidious.

I've also been watching the circus relating to Mr. Obama's inauguration tomorrow. There seems to be a lot of hype: and much positive anticipation. I'm glad he won the election, but I wonder if he can fulfill the expectation - not just for the U.S. but of everyone in the world.

It seems to me that so much is pending his taking control with the belief that he will fix things (and fix them right away!) The war in Gaza, the Korea's, Guantanamo Bay, Gas pipelines in the Ukraine, Russian and Chinese isolation, Iraq, Afghanistan, NAFTA and of course, the world financial crisis: I just can't help but think that there is disappointment coming. I truly believe Mr. Obama is good for the world, I just hope he is given some slack.

This got me thinking about party leadership in the United States. I was thinking, that perhaps in some ways the Republicans are glad they are NOT in power at this time. The US is in a mess, the world is in a mess - who would WANT to be responsible for trying to fix these things.

This further got me wondering. Could Mr. Obama's election have actually been orchestrated by the Republican Party sabotaging their own election campaign. What better way to secure their power than letting someone else try to fix the unfixable: problems they caused in the first place. Then, when not all is going rosy after four years (or sooner if things truly fall apart and an impeachment is called), they can show up as the White Knights. They probably won't make things much better, but they would seem better after watching the current President sinking in the quagmire.

Are the conservatives capable of this subterfuge? I'm convinced they are. Big business (who frankly are behind the conservatives) become and stay big business because they are smart and can often predict the future. After the debacle of G.W. Bush, they MUST have known their chances were dismal at best. The low approval rating was spread amongst the party as a whole - witness now the new balance of power in the two Houses.

This actually explains some things. I originally couldn't understand the selection of Mr. McCain - an honorable but frankly too old and out of touch politician: he was bound to lose, but at least people respected him so he wouldn't pull the party's reputation down even lower.

Sarah Palin truly flabbergasted me. How could a party that smart select her as Vice President? Now it's clear. McCain was doing okay in the polls - perhaps he may even win. Then the Republicans would have to deal with Bush problems themselves: a task at which they knew they would fail. So, enter Ms Palin. She would surly lose the moderates(necessary for a win) while at the same time appeal to the already converted. Lose the election and no real harm done.

I have great hopes for Mr. Obama. I hope he can help straighten the world. I hope he is given a real chance. I fear, however, that people with short term vision - which includes most people I believe- will rebel when all is not fixed in the first 100 days: an impossible task.

Sadly, it's all so clear now.

Well, all for now.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

15 January 2009 - My Opening - Post #1

Hi, as this is my first actual blog, let me say welcome.

I'll start by telling you what I intend to say and do over the next entries.

Mostly I'll talk about my goals. For personal reasons they are somewhat short-term goals. In addition, I'll talk about my impressions on the Distributed Proofreading project. I'll discuss a little about how I'm doing and coping with my cancer and recovery (I'll try not to become maudlin). And, of course, I always reserve the right to discuss somethings that I truly feels need to be discussed (even if for only my own mental health - lol).

My initial goals are modest:

1. Make it through the "Beginner's Pages" - which I have now done. I took the advice and did only one page a day. This allowed me to gain feedback from the mentors as I went along. Also, it gave to time to become accustomed to the Proofreading Guidelines. During that time I had outstanding feedback from the mentors. Their advice was always sound and friendly. It truly helps that encouragement is the main theme. As a group of volunteers it is most desirable to enjoy the time spent. The mentors are a special group of people. I've always admired those who go the extra steps to help others. Since gaining and keeping new proofers is essential for the future of the Gutenberg Project, full kudos to the mentors.

2. Complete 30 Beginner and Newcomer Pages - I'm now at 26 pages. I just noticed a bonus. At 20 pages I now have access to see "Site News."

3. Ranking continuing to go up - of the 22,435 users with at least one P1 page, I am now at 8,591 in 16 days (26 pgs). I notice there is someone else at this rank with only zero days. Hopefully, this is a returning proofer. I don't see why anyone would do that nember of pages their first day. Without taking the time to get proper feedback, one runs the risk of making the same mistake over and over.

4. Helping to complete my first book - this an arbitrary goal. I want to help add 'books' to the library. So, I'm going to set a goal of the number of whole books to which I have contributed. My first goal is one book. Since an average book is, say, 300 pages, I'll use that as a benchmark. To date, then, I have contributed to the completion of 9% of a book (26 of 300 pages).

As for me, I'm doing okay: still alive anyway - smiley face! Not in too much pain - it's barely noticeable - especially when I keep occupied like when proofing and blogging. Just a little more on how I control my discomfort - I like to play a bit of World of Warcraft. My son started and I began playing to see what he was doing. Now I play regularly (but not constantly) and when I do, I don't remember feeling any discomfort during that time. I understand it's the endorphins. Personally, I think games like this should be included in therapy for those with mobility problems and chronic discomfort. I'm well into middle-age and think I will continue to play games well into my old age.

Well, all for now. CU